extra mural
SACPS extra mural offering and philosophy
SACPS has a unique extra-curricular programme which takes place once a week, within the school day.
The school makes use of the its own facilities as well as the Municipal Facilities within walking distance of the school where most practices and matches take place. Despite its proximity, the school arranges for bus transport of its sportspersons to and from the municipal playing fields every Monday and Wednesday.
For learners who wish to take part voluntarily in cultural activities there is a wide range of activities available in the afternoons. Those wishing to represent the school in sporting and cultural teams have the opportunity to do so voluntarily. For away matches the school will provide the necessary transport to and from the venue and assistance from the parents is always welcome in most cases.
At SACPS sport and culture is offered for the enjoyment of the learners and as an opportunity for the staff to get to know the learners better. The ample choice of activities that exists emphasises the value of exposure of every learner to as many activities as possible – the principal of winning at all costs is not part of our philosophy. Our philosophy rather follows the principle of maximum participation and enjoyment.
Competitively most extra-mural activities are geared towards gaining points for a learner’s house. The academic programme also contributes to the inter house competition. By merely participating, a learner is able to make a contribution towards the inter-house competition.
Experience has taught the staff of SACPS that there is very little benefit derived from forcing learners to sit in the sun for a full day merely being a spectator at sporting events. Although there are events where learners are expected to spectate, this is limited in order to rather create opportunities for learners to follow their hearts and to participate in activities offered by the school.
It will be noted that cultural activities are not separated from sporting activities, both of these activities carrying equal importance and weight in the school’s extra-curricular programme. Within this system the aim is to develop the skills of the senior learners as coaches, umpires, referees and club leaders so as to broaden the range of activities offered and to develop leadership opportunities in the school.
The school has recently invested in some improved practice facilities to allow for more sport at the school during afternoons. Please promote your child in joining the afternoon activities for him/her to become a well-rounded individual.
SACPS places great emphasis on the learners going on field trips so as to expose the learners to the experiences and opportunities that exist beyond the school campus. The aim is also to fully utilise the so-called slowing down, dead times or non-academic times at the end of terms and during the holiday periods. The ultimate plan is to offer every grade in the school a Field Trip every term with a particular theme and objective in mind. Trips to the Cullinan Mine, the BMW motor car factory in Rosslyn are fine examples of what is offered. The middle school learners undertake an annual field trip to Sci-Enza, which is an experience offered by the University of Pretoria and exposes the learners to the practicalities of Science experimentation. Each year there are also trips down to Durban and other areas where leaners have a great time.
SACPS is very involved in growing its Corporate Responsibility Programmes which began in 2014 with SACP learners embarking on a cleaning up programme of the school and its surrounds every day of the week. This meant that every week a class was assigned the responsibility of keeping the school and adjacent terrain neat and tidy. This project has translated into our school being almost 100% rubble free at any given time. The upgrades to the school buildings followed on from here and we are constantly upgrading our facilities. Stage 3 is presently in progress and entails the development of various gardens on the school property run on a competition basis by each register class. It is our hope that soon we will develop nurseries for the propagation of various plants, trees and vegetable gardens that we can distribute to town dwellers so as to upgrade our environment in the city.
This project will be set in motion this year with the present Grade 11 learners at SACPS being allowed to indicate their fields of interest and then being assigned to various firms in the city to gain work experience. This project has a great number of benefits including practical on the job experience, an opportunity to appreciate working hours and to put into practice the theory they learn in the classroom. In past projects of this nature, learners have arrived back at school in possession of a testimonial from their employers, and often even a job offer for the future or a study opportunity sponsored by the employer. We look forward to our Grade 11 learners going out at the end of the 4th term to test the water in the real world!
important explanation to parents
Extra curricular arrangements
The accompanying schedule contains activities of a sporting and a cultural nature. Your child should choose which of these activities he or she would like to participate in, so please discuss this with your child.
Please be advised of the following: There is a weekly timetabled Municipal Sports Grounds session and the cultural period on the school that can be found in your child’s diary. This means that your child must attend school in the prescribed sports clothing of SA College. Learners not wearing the prescribed clothing will be sent home to change.
- Sporting teams participate in practices/matches at the Municipal fields. Only learners who apply to be on the sporting teams and are selected will be required to attend these practices/matches.
- Athletics is predominantly offered in the first term, likewise in the fourth term while the other sports will be offered in the 2nd and 3rd term.
- You will note from the programme that there are many other activities taking place on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays on the school campus and we encourage your child to take part.
- Included in the programme are also English, Afrikaans and Mathematics remedial classes.
Please encourage your child to participate in as many activities as possible. We strongly recommend that he/she audition for one of the 3 choirs that operate in the school.